Sat 31st July: Forgotten Danny

I had completely forgotten that I was supposed to be picking giant shih tzu Danny up from Whiskers’n’Paws in the afternoon when he was being returned from his foster home.  I’d actually turned up the previous Saturday thinking he was coming back on that day, and had obviously ticked it off as done in my mind.  It was pure luck that I was already in Aberdeen when I got a text from Maria (foster coordinator) asking if I was on my way, so I was able to jump on a bus and get to Horizon Plaza fairly quickly.  So now Danny is back on Lamma, waiting patiently for the day when he can go to a forever home.

I’d gone over to take some puppies for vaccinations in readiness for their Whiskers’n’Paws date on Sunday, but once again Susie K was rejected as being fit enough (tick fever), and so was baby Vienna, one of the puppies that was found on the Peak a few weeks ago.  I’ve taken Susie K back to the vet so many times, and she still hasn’t had even her first vaccination.  This is the way puppies grow up without any chance of being adopted, and I have many ex-tick fever puppies, now adults, living with me on Lamma.  It’s so frustrating, but there’s nothing I can do.  Now I’m waiting for the results of blood tests on both Susie K and Vienna to see if they can have their due vaccinations.

Puppy Paddington

While I was out I picked up a copy of the South China Morning Post and saw a large photo taken at the Pet Expo (where we have a stand).  It was of a bright pink poodle, one of the dogs entered for the “colour your dog” competition.  Subsequently I’ve seen other photos on Facebook showing another dog with tiger stripes, and I’m disappointed in both the SCMP and the organisers of the Pet Expo for thinking that this is a funny and acceptable way to treat dogs.  They’re not toys to be dressed up or painted, or babies that need to be wheeled around in push chairs.  They have four legs to walk on, and coats that are naturally beautiful. It’s this “babyfication” of dogs that results in so many being abandoned.   Dogs are animals, and they shouldn’t be expected, or made, to be anything else.


A young Kong

The puppy photos are a great hit, so I’ll continue posting.  Thanks for all the requests and comments, and for those who don’t know who these puppies are they are all dogs that are still with us at Tai Po, now as adults.

For Stella: Dusty as a puppy

7 Responses to “Sat 31st July: Forgotten Danny”

  1. Angie Says:

    GOOD FOR YOU !!! Thanks for always not being afraid to speak up for these dogs who are being treated as children. I was on one of the Pet Expo shuttle buses heading out there on Friday only to find myself out of my chair twice telling people to STOP smacking their dogs. Is this how you treat your best friend ???
    They are animals and they need to be treated and cared for as an ANIMAL…. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS ….SPEND TIME WITH THEM -REGULAR WALKS -STIMULATION -VET VISITS when needed – HEALTHY DOG FOOD AND LOADS OF LOVE !!!
    Try all of the above and you’ll find there’s NO REASON YOU SHOULD EVER SMACK YOUR PET !!
    Once you start treating them as a dog they will behave like a dog.
    Think twice before you smack your pet or you could be facing someone like me who will tap you on the shoulder and invite you to SMACK me.

  2. Helen Y Says:

    And these people who bleach and dye their dogs fur, and those who like the idea claim to be dog lovers..sign….

  3. Jesslyn Says:

    OMG puppy Paddington and Kong are so cute! how could anyone resist such an adorable pup? really hope that they can find their home soon…

  4. Diana Says:

    I saw that tiger striped dog. It should be a Samoy. Poor dog, doesn’t have the right to object. I suppose other dogs found it strange too.

  5. Steve C Says:

    Not sure when he arrived at HKDR, as a pup or already into adulthood, but I’d love to see any puppy pics of Amos if there are any.

  6. Marie Says:

    awww.. Paddington! and Kong… he had his lovely clown face even when he was a baby. one more request… any of Bart-baby? he has got to be one of the cutest pups of all time..

  7. Maria Says:

    As for those poor dogs being sprayed with stripes like tigers and pushed around in baby strollers…to be honest, I think they are considered by those owners as accessories rather than as babies. After all, they wouldn’t throw away their babies, would they? (I hope.)

    It’s disgusting and sad to see dogs treated like the latest handbag or My Little Pony.

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